News + Testimonials


ECE Department Heads Association announcement


“Thank you for launching this amazing initiative.”

Todd Zickler
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

“I would like to thank you for your generous offer of a pdf version of
your electrical engineering textbooks. Our department uses the current version of your book
for our Signals and Systems course, and I would be most appreciative if
I could get a copy of that book. Thank you for the offer!”

Len Trombetta
Associate Professor, ECE
University of Houston

“Thank you for your efforts. I’m really enjoying your examples and explanations throughout
Circuit Analysis and Design. The content is accessible and I find the examples compelling. “

Shani B, PhD
Associate Professor of the Practice
Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science
Duke University

“Thank you for taking this giant step forward to help our students. This action no doubt will
help keep the movement for speeding knowledge as we move forward.

Issa Batarseh
Professor, ECE
University of Central Florida

“It is a wonderful move from you and your coauthors to make this book
(Signals and Systems) available for free to students.”

Andre Tits
Professor, ECE
University of Maryland

“Thank you for this amazing resource. We have used your textbook for many years here at
Penn. We are currently using the 3rd edition of your textbook. Thank you so very much for
this initiative, the students will be very excited! Warmest regards & thank you/ /for this
great book!”

Tom Farmer
Senior Lecturer
University of Pennsylvania

“I heartily applaud your team’s collective efforts to establish affordable options for
students. Recalling my old textbook purchases, I remember recoiling at the price of a
particular textbook in Finite Elements while a graduate student at Texas. Looking back, it
was a pittance compared to today’s textbook burden.”

Dwight Waddell
Chair, Biomedical Engineering
University of Mississippi

“I am the Chair of Electrical Engineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and became
aware of the Free Electrical Engineering Textbook Initiative through an ECEDHA email
message. This is a generous and innovative initiative! Incidentally, I’ll be using your 7th
edition EM book when I teach our junior-level EM course this fall.”

Wayne Shiroma
Professor and Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Hawaii

“Thank you for your commitment and dedication to our field of study. I
appreciate your offer of free textbooks to students. I incorporated your book into my
course and students loved it!”

Shonda Bernadin
Associate Professor of ECE
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Florida A&M University

“I wholeheartedly applaud your decision to provide these books to
students free or at cost. Many thanks!”

Matt Johnston
Assistant Professor, ECE
Oregon State University

“Let me take this opportunity to emphasize how much I appreciate your initiative to bring quality textbooks and experimental capabilities at low-cost to students. Teaching courses utilizing your book and pertinent instruction materials at Georgia Tech and the University of California at Riverside, I witnessed first-hand students’ interest in the Technology Briefs you have dispersed throughout the text and the impact of your approach in engaging students with core concepts. Hopefully more academics will follow your example.”

Hossein Taheri
Assistant Research Professor, ECE
University of California, Riverside

“I have been using Circuit Analysis and Design for multiple semesters of circuits class, and students are very happy to have access to a free and high-quality textbook. Many community college students have difficulty affording textbooks. Having a free textbook definitely makes a difference and ensures all my students can access the material. Students also appreciate the book’s many clear examples and the Technology Briefs which showcase interesting real-world applications. Thank you for your efforts to make these engineering books and resources available to us!”

Ashley Erickson
Assistant Professor
Diablo Valley College

“It is 5 weeks into the semester- and I wanted to thank you again! I have taught circuits for over 20 years now at Rowan & Bucknell and I can honestly say that I have found your text and resources provided for teaching to be the most helpful and most outstanding that I have come across. THANK YOU for sharing them with the world- it makes teaching this subject even more of a joy than I have found over these decades- and I already loved teaching circuits! Keep up your great work.”

Dr. Peter Mark Jansson, PE
Associate Professor, ECE
Bucknell University

“I am using your book as a main text for teaching Signals and Systems in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Delaware. Thank you for such a nice book. Students love the interactivity and ease of explaining some of the abstract concepts.”

Mohsen Badiey
Professor, ECE
University of Delaware

“I applaud your efforts to provide a cost-effective alternative to expensive textbooks for students; and appreciate you making the supplemental materials available to instructors.”

Dr. Wayne Pilkington
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
California Polytechnic State University

“I support the Free Textbook Initiative. I have become distressed with the huge expense to the students imposed by texts from the “mainstream” academic publishers. Thank you for your efforts to provide quality textbooks for free download.”

Dr. Scott Budge
Associate Professor & Associate Department Head, ECE
Utah State University

“Thank you so much for making these great textbooks available free of charge. I am using both your Circuits book and your Signals and Systems book as supplemental texts for my Signals and Systems class here at Bucknell. Both books are so well written and structured, comprehensive, provide great examples, and are visually well-crafted to pique students’ interest. Making the texts available for free is a great service to the profession.”

Robert M. Nickel
Associate Professor, ECE
Bucknell University

“This is an excellent initiative and your book would be very helpful for my ECE-2704 Signals and Systems class. Thanks for sharing.”

Vassilis Kakatos
Assistant Professor, ECE
Virginia Tech