Free Textbooks Currently Available

Textbooks Published by Michigan Publishing

Circuit Analysis and Design 2nd Edition, Ulaby, Maharbiz and Furse, 798 pages.

Signals and Systems: Theory and Applications 2nd Edition Ulaby and Yagle, 666 pages.

Image Processing For Engineers, Yagle and Ulaby, 450 pages.

Introduction to Probability for Data Science, Stanley Chan, 688 pages.

Foundations of Applied Electromagnetics, Sarabandi, Graduate level textbook, 606 pages.

Control Systems: An Introduction, Khalil, 459 pages.

Introduction to ARM Assembler, Ibáñez & Pervin, pdf only, 209 pages.

Modern Communications Systems: A First Course, Cooklev & Yagle, 486 pages.

Additional Information

PDF Downloads are free, student editions of Multisim and Labview Software are available for free at and Hardcopies are available from University of Michigan Publishing at cost of printing, $60-$75.

We are offering these textbooks to any and all students and instructors interested in using them, along with their companion websites, to learn about electrical and computer engineering.

Textbooks Published by Affiliate Institutions

Microwave and RF Design, 5 volumes, by Michael Steer, NC State University.

“What Every EE Student Must Know,” written by EE student Ali Al Qaraghuli, 74 pages.

Introduction to Communication Systems: An Interactive Approach Using the Wolfram Language, by Victor Frost, University of Kansas.