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Welcome to the Free ECE Textbook Initiative

Circuit Analysis and Design textbook
Image Processing for Engineers
Probability for Data Science
Foundations of Applied Electromagnetics
Fundamentals of Microwave and RF Design
What every electrical engineering student must know
Intro to Communication Systems

Message to Prospective Textbook Authors

If you’re a faculty colleague at a sister university and have authored an unpublished
textbook on an ECE topic at the undergraduate level, you may want to consider
publishing it under the Free ECE Textbook initiative.

Find out how

Why Free Books?

Very simple answer: Over the past 30 years, the consumer price index (CPI) increased by 270%. Over the same time period, textbook prices increased by 1000%, almost a four-fold increase compared to CPI.

$ Savings For Students

Since its inception in August of 2018, textbooks published by the Free Electrical and Computer Engineering Textbook Initiative have been adopted by over 500 U.S. colleges and universities, and have saved students an estimated $110 million in textbook costs.

List of Colleges and Universities whose students have downloaded copies of:

Instructor Resources

Please send an email to to request access to instructor resources. Please specify which book you are interested in.

Sponsoring Institutions